Masters Squash

O45 Men (SQL)
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Rank Nat. Name Club Points Confidence
1 Ronan Peyton FLTC 1,725 88%
2 Kevin Moore FLTC 1,716 85%
3 Patrick Morrissey CEL 1,654 91%
4 Neil Brannigan CSC 1,470 91%
5 Alex Broadberry WWD 1,441 78%
6 Abhishek Thapar MP 1,426 90%
7 JJ Daly ALSAA 1,378 91%
8 Colm Travers WWD 1,321 87%
9 Niall Mac an tSionnaigh WWD 1,318 88%
10 Dalibor Panic MP 1,270 93%
11 Ramy Daoud KSC 1,211 84%
12 Noel Walsh CEL 1,144 87%
13 Tim Holland OB 1,084 89%
14 Anthony Doran WWD 1,049 88%
15 Niall Cooney WWD 1,040 74%
16 Pat Lehane MP 1,021 83%
17 Jeff Noone SLTC 1,018 91%
18 Morgan O'Donnell Tulla 1,015 80%
19 Paul Conroy LCC 990 85%
20 David O'Shaughnessy ALSAA 973 87%
21 Ray O'Keefe KSC 972 80%
22 Barry Byrne FLTC 949 77%
23 Liam Harnett CSC 930 77%
24 Graham Pidgeon I4S 919 74%
25 Kevin Voelkin LCC 915 86%
26 Conor Hunt OB 900 81%
27 Patrick Gordon-Walker Tulla 891 82%
28 Cormac Kenny STSC 885 94%
29 Paul Gavin ASC 883 55%
30 David Connolly OB 879 76%
31 Veljko Kokanovic LCC 851 74%
32 Shane Hogan CSC 800 56%
33 Sean Manicle KSC 779 83%
34 Sean O'Brien SLTC 760 75%
35 Gary Murphy SLTC 748 78%
36 Stephen Nyhan MP 747 80%
37 Ken Costello CSC 745 82%
38 Denis Tobin CSC 733 77%
39 Daniel McCallig I4S 726 92%
40 Shane McAleer OB 718 76%
41 Stuart Muldowney OB 714 89%
42 Shane Dempsey ALSAA 686 63%
43 Padraig Donohue STSC 663 96%
44 Luke Hartnett MP 591 75%
44 Barry Storey MP 591 60%
46 Gareth Jones 576 74%
47 Conor Conroy MP 527 91%
48 Michael Walker KSC 519 73%
49 Darragh Grehan J6 516 58%
50 John Bailey LCC 503 78%
51 Stephen Kelly KSC 479 65%
Official Governing Body

Squash Leinster manages this ranking list. To be included in this ranking list, you must be an active member of Squash Leinster in good standing and meet the eligibility requirements for this list.